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2 developpers join the project

Thanks them : Andrew (biznw) and Jaspaul (london567). You are welcome! We are now 5, so let's work guys!

Hello everybody,

First page, first contribution to this project. Maybe not very attractive to develop, but maybe more to use. The purpose of ErrorSystem is to provide to developpers and script redactors a tool to manage an online error report system. How? Let's have a look to what exactly we want to do.

What do we want?

We want a remote error management system. We want it as simple as possible to use for developpers as well for the final users of softwares.

Technically, the easiest way for developpers is to use an HTTP-GET query to a PHP server. Why?

Why prefer HTTP protocol?

Many reasons :

  • HTTP, using port 80, is never blocked by firewalls if the computer has an access to internet. So you don't even have to think about it,
  • you could easily use this protocol in most programming langages,
  • you could receive the request on any web server,
  • did I forget some?

Why prefer the GET method?

Well, the GET method is simplier to use than the POST one. You only have to write an URL, using text classical tools, and open it into a web browser to see the result. So, it easy for a developper to insert a command like :

system("start http://errorsystemserveradress/errordisplay?system=yoursystem&errnum=25&lg=en");

which should open IE with the english documentation about the error 25 for yoursystem on a Windows OS.

Why prefer PHP?

Many free web hosting providers allow to use this language without any problems. So, you just have to create an account on one of those servers, install ErrorSystem scripts, feed them with your documentation, update your software to use this, and everything should work fine for you!

To do list

Hard stuff begins now I think.

  1. Design data files where to storage error documentation, (the beginning can be read here)
  2. write a first version of ES main function, should be named "ErrorDisplay", or something like that?
  3. write a first version of ES main user interface, where he could add, delete, modify error documentation, add a system to manage,
  4. start a first free ES server, so some people can start using it without an own web site.
All of this done, I think we should discuss again about the future.

About point 1, I think I'll do a web page on this site to discuss about that, and we could reuse it for the project documentation.

Well, I think the game is over for today. See you soon!

Last modified: Tue Dec 11 16:45:14 Paris, Madrid 2003